Monday, July 9, 2007

Live Earth: new band to watch, Nunatak

Not sure how many of you watched the Live Earth concert on saturday (put on by Al Gore). It's the first concert he's thrown to promote awareness about the environment. All in all, the performers he brought in (Smashing pumpkins, The Police, Kanye West, Keith Urban featuring Alicia Keys?) to perform were okay, but one band stood out, so much so, that i was driven to look them up just because of their performance. It turns out that they're part of a group of scientists doing research in Antartica, and moonlight as the house band! Now i'm not saying they are the greatest new and big band buzzing around town, but i think they are decent enough to be mentioned! Anyway enjoy the video! No website or m-space page at the moment, but let's hope for either in the near future.

From Wikipedia:

British Antarctic Survey’s Rothera Research Station’s house band. The five person indie rock band is part of a science team investigating climate change and evolutionary biology on the Antarctic Peninsula[1]. On 7 July 2007 as part of Live Earth, Nunatak will play to a sell out crowd of 17 (the entire population of the BAS research station Rothera[2]) and will make up the Seventh Continent contingent of the Live Earth concert.

Lead singer Matt Balmer, 22, said of the event that the band "expected to spend our Antarctic winter here at Rothera quietly getting on with our work and maybe performing at the occasional Saturday night party. We could never have imagined taking part in a global concert." [3]

The band's name is derived from the Greenlandic word for a mountain top protruding from a glacier. Originally the band had named itself after a disease previously common to Punta Arenas roughly translated to "Ratchet Death" but felt that the pronunciation of that name was less than politically correct.

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